Interconnect Cables

Until recently we only offered one type of interconnect cable. We liked the openness and neutrality of our interconnect cables and customers and dealers agreed.

To quote one dealer:

“You fit Emilen Audio interconnects and then just forget about cables”.


In blind A/B tests our cable regularly held its own against competitors costing £5k+ so we were quite happy with ours.

Until we did some more research and designed an even better one…

We hadn’t bothered to give our original cable a fancy name but it has a black outer sheath so it is now known as “Black Cable”.

As a fancy marketing name is so important we consulted our marketing guru and decided to call our new cable “Red & Black Cable”.

Both cables share a very similar construction method using an in-house manufactured coaxial design and pure PTFE dielectrics within a heavy gauge copper outer screen.

PTFE is the highest performing cable dielectric. It is also the most expensive but the low levels of dielectric absorption it provides make it the only serious choice for an interconnect cable feeding a high impedance load.

The new Red & Black cable design utilises a new inner conductor and modified dielectric dimensions which open up the micro-dynamics at higher frequencies. The measured frequency response is identical to the original cable – perfectly flat. The extra performance is achieved (we believe) by improving the group delay vs amplitude behaviour which results in a subtle yet definite improvement.